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This important numbers chart covers things such as federal income tax brackets, standard deduction, social security, capital gains tax, retirement plan contribution limits, and more.
This flowchart can help you think through appropriate places for your next dollar to go, such as your emergency fund, traditional retirement accounts, roth retirement accounts, non-retirement accounts, and more.
This financial checklist can help you prioritize what account types to consider next, starting with an emergency fund, retirement savings, heathcare savings, employer benefits, and more.
This financial flowchart can help you understand if you are eligible to make traditional IRA or Roth IRA contributions and a few other considerations.
This checklist will help you think through many finance fundamentals such as cash flow issues, risk management issues, asset and debts issues, tax issues, and more.
This Roth 401(k) flowchart can help you think through if it makes sense to contribute to your Roth 401(k) based on factors such as your age, adjusted growth income, required minimum distributions, savings rates, and more.
This financial flowchart can help you understand some of the nuances and considerations that come up regarding 529 to Roth IRA transfers including how long the account has been in the name of the beneficiary, lifetime limits, and more.
This financial flowchart can help you understand whether or not you can make backdoor Roth IRA contributions, as well as other important considerations.
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